I am professor of Education Technology and was for 13 years head of the Department of Interactive Media and Educational Technologies (now renamed into Department for Continuing Education Research and Educational Technologies) at University for Continuing Education Krems (UWK), formerly Danube University Krems (DUK) (Austria). Since July 2019, I am retired.
I had held positions as professor at several universities (Klagenfurt, Münster, Innsbruck, Hagen) before I accepted the nomination to Krems. I published 25 books (10 monographs and 15 edited volumes) and more than 200 articles.
Download my resumé.
Habilitation in Continuing Education, 1986
Alpen-Adria University of Klagenfurt
PhD in Sociology, 1980
University of Vienna
Vocational School of Electrical Engineering, 1972
HTL Schellinggasse, Vienna